Hello and Welcome to SARA MEEKS SEMINARS. This website is dedicated to information on seminars for health and exercise professionals on the subject of safety and therapeutic intent in movement for persons with low bone mass. We travel nationally and internationally to bring seminars close to you and look forward to meeting YOU at one of them. On this website, we also have information for the consumer so be sure to check out the Consumer Info page.
Sara M. Meeks, P.T., M.S., G.C.S., K.Y.T. |
- has been a licensed, practicing Physical Therapist since 1962,
- has specialized in the unique management implications of persons with low bone mass since 1984, and
- has developed an evidenced-based, easy, effective, comprehensive, site-specific, 12-part program for the conservative management of persons with low bone mass, scoliosis, postural problems and back pain.
- In addition, she has been a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher (K.Y.T.) since 1984 and has modified Yoga for safety and therapeutic intent in movement for people with bone health concerns.
Her program, designed to prevent, arrest and/or reverse the Patterns of Postural Change:
- is based on optimal anatomical alignment, and
- emphasizes strengthening of the back extensor and other core muscles, and
- will take people "From Frail to Fit" if that's where they want to go.
News |
- Webinar with Lani Simpson Aug 26, 2020
- OSTEOPOROSIS: There IS Something You Can Do About It! Interview of Sara Meeks by Margie Bissinger PT Jul 6, 2020
- Document on S.A.F.E.Spinal Movement Nov 1, 2014
- The Re-Alignment Routine--YOGA-Inspired routine for back relaxation and strengthening Jun 20, 2013
- Details of Exercise for the Patient with Osteoporosis with Physiotherapist Jun 13, 2013
- Details of Yoga-Inspired Movement for Osteoporosis with a Trainer Jun 13, 2013
- Core Lift Bridge-- YOGA-Inspired Posture for back strengthening Jun 20, 2013
- VIDEO! -- Matsyasana (Fish On A Roll) Yoga Pose Sep 16, 2015
- Mermaid Series--YOGA-Inspired poses for back safety and strengthening Jul 27, 2013
- NEW! 1.5 Hour Yoga "Flowing From Your Foundation-Optimal Alignment Sep 5, 2017
- FLOWING FROM YOUR FOUNDATION--Early Morning Yoga at Kripalu with Sara Meeks Jun 14, 2017
- WEBINAR on Low Intensity Vibration with Clint Rubin & Sara Meeks Nov 21, 2013
- A Visit to Dr. Clinton Rubin's Lab for a Demonstration of the Marodyne LIV Tablet Nov 21, 2013
The diagram at the left represents The Patterns of Postural Change©, Sara Meeks' original concept, based on observations and assessments in clinical practice, of what happens to the human body as, but not because, we age.
The Meeks Method is a program designed to prevent, arrest and/or reverse this highly avoidable postural process that appears to be related to aging but actually occurs as we age but not because we age.
The diagram below represents The Meeks Method 12-point program for a comprehensive approach to the management of low bone mass, back pain, and postural dysfunction.

More about The Meeks Method
Testimonials |
"So Much Information, So Little Time!" Participant, Calgary, 2007
"Lots of practice of skills, great balance of lecture and practical work." Participant, Calgary, 2007
"This is the best (most practical, most organized, best presented, most useful clinical information) course I have ever attended." PT with 19 years experience. Calgary 2007
"Wonderful course. Very refreshing to see it easily adaptable to frail elderly." Participant, Calgary 2007
"My eyes have been opened. I will now look at all my patients differently and treat them accordingly." S.H., P.T., Colorado Springs, CO
"My feelings on the importance and effectiveness of your program are so passionate..." H.D., MPT, Fargo, North Dakota
"I took your course almost two years ago and it has changed how I treat every geriatric patient. Thank you." K.B., P.T., Montclair, NJ
"I have found patients experience pain relief and improved posture (even) with Medicare and HMO limits on visits." P.B., P.T., Deland, FL
"Great job-enough said!" Participant, Colorado Springs, CO
"This is the most awesome course I have ever taken!" M.C., P.T., Hanford, CA
"Fabulous organization, information and handouts." Participant, Los Gatos, CA.
"...One of our doctors wants to start a program and I feel I am armed with appropriate information to help initiate this." L.S., P.T. Little Rock, AR
"The specificity of the exercises and the progression. So many courses just tell you scapular stabilization generally with no examples... BRAVO!" Participant, Omaha, NE
"Wonderful, knowledgeable instructor with special teaching skills." B.S., P.T., Vernal, UT
"This is an excellent course. Everything translates right into the clinic." Participant, Omaha, NE
"This has been a personal and professional life-changing experience for me." K.S., P.T., Green Bay, WI
"Effective exercise for the frail elderly." Participant, Jacksonville, FL
"One of the best courses I've taken in a while--very applicable and easy to use. My back feels great at the end of 2 days." A.R., P.T., Hampton, VA
"Very applicable to all my patients." S.T., P.T., Watertown, NY
"Excellent content, excellent organization, evidence based, useful information!" Participant, Buffalo, NY
"Very 'full-packed.' Bell-'old school teaching,' on time and full time. I feel very energized to start with this program." Participant, Buffalo, NY
"Wonderful course--the second time!" J.G., P.T., Buffalo, NY
"The most comprehensive and inspiring course I have attended." J.F., P.T., Mamaroneck, NY
"A well thought-out, organized course with common sense information easy-to-apply in the clinic" D.K., P.T.A., Calverton, NY
"I can go to the office tomorrow and use it right away." M.O., P.T., Wyoming
"Wonderful! SARA, you are everything I expected and more...a true pioneer in our profession. Many "pearls" I can take home and use right away." P.T., MS, PT, GCS, Florida
"Thank you for such an organized presentation and manual." C.E., MPT, Auburn, WA
"Lots of useful information. Can't wait to use the info I learned this weekend!" B.C., PTA, Tacoma, WA
"Thorough, Informative, Active and FUN!" T.V., PT, IL
"The course really shouldn't be called 'Osteoporosis' as it's so relevant to so many populations." K.S., P.T. Indiana
"Immediate Implementation." Participant, Lancaster, PA.
"Just wanted to let you know that this was the best course I have ever attended." S.R., P.T., Cary, NC
"It is truly a GREAT PROGRAM!! I thank you and my patients thank you!!!" P.B., P.T., Indianapolis, IN
"Your exercise program has been a big hit at my facility." L.B., P.T., Olympia, WA
"WOW!! I've been using so much of what I learned from you, and it's making a positive impact on many lives." K.S., P.T., M.S.W., Green Bay, WI.
"There is not a day that goes by that I don't use something from your program." C.P., P.T., Chevy Chase, MD
"I just attended your course. It was the best course I have had in years." S.F., P.T., NJ
"I learned some outstanding techniques and (Sara) taught me to think in a very different way." A.W., P.T., Akron, OH
"My first patient on the program has already 'grown' an inch in one week." C.F., P.T.,Tampa, FL
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