Level 2 - Advanced Movement Concepts for Skeletal Health


Reviewing The Hip Hinge

This two day course picks up where Level 1 leaves off. More advanced floor exercises are included and participants will learn the use of equipment (including some, but not necessarily all of the following: Spinomed IV, Sit-To-Stand Independence Chair, Marodyne LivMD vibration platform, EZ Posture Strap, Exerstriders) to augment The Meeks Method exercise program. In addition, the course includes 4 deep stretching routines for the lower extremities (focus on isolating the hips from the pelvis and lumbar spine) using the technique of Active-Isolated-Stretching and a multi-looped stretch-out strap. Guidelines and stretches for weightlifting and an experiential session with Exerstriders with therapists both learning and teaching the technique are also included. In addition, therapists will critically review a research publication on the integrity of the vertebral body with an eye on practical management of osteoporosis. And, brand new in 2012, this course now includes a critical review of two exercises frequently prescribed for people with osteoporosis with an eye on safety and therapeutic intent. The course ends with a brainstorming session on how to get the message of safe movement out into both professional and public domains.

Abdominal Isometrics

Sara Meeks and a Course Participant Demonstrating an
Assisted Stretching Technique

This seminar is designed primarily for the physical therapist and physical therapist assistant; however, the information in this seminar is highly applicable to occupational therapists, certified occupational therapist assistants, other medical and degreed exercise professionals, including Yoga and Pilates teachers. Call us for information on your specific specialty.

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